(FAQ) Misc Questions
Misc Questions
- What is the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP)?
The oxidation reduction potential1 is the electrical potential needed to reduce or slow down oxidation such as rusting. Kangen Water® must have a negative ORP in order to be considered good, especially for drinking.
ORP is the strength to bond with active oxygen2 reducing power, and can be measured through electronic designs in the hardware. Although a negative value is desirable for deoxidization power, the actual value varies from region to region. For example, in Osaka city, tap water records an ORP of +580-600mV, but after using LeveLuk, the ORP becomes pH9.5 and records the ideal from -150mV to -400mV. When the original water supply's ORP increases, the ORP of Kangen Water® moves in direct proportion. On the Japanese archipelago, LeveLuk is capable of producing water with negative levels of ORP at pH9.5 even where original water supply marks the highest positive levels of ORP.
1Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) - Electrical potential needed to reduce or slow down rusting and decay (oxidization). This process is also known as deoxidization. ODR is measures in terms of negative mVs. The ideal ODR level for the human body is said to be between -150mV and -400mV.
1Active oxygen - Also known as free radicals. Medically it is known to enter the body when one's daily rhythm of life or diet goes astray when under stress. It is the type of oxygen that causes illness and aging. Maintaining a daily rhythm will help keep this oxygen from entering your body!
- What is "calcium addition"?
In ancient times, the Japanese archipelago was connected to what is now China, but over the years it broke off and drifted toward the Pacific Ocean. Japan's soil was acidic back then, and since there are many volcanoes along the Sea of Japan, the soil has remained acidic, and has not become neutral or alkaline. As a result, the water in areas toward the Sea of Japan is more acidic than in areas closer to the Pacific Ocean. Although acidic water, which has an astringent effect1, is good for the skin if used for everyday chores and facial treatment, it is not suitable for drinking. Even when this water is electrolyzed, it does not produce water with standard pH levels. This water is much better for consumption than unpurified water. The ORP measuring device is the best way to see this for your self, in which case there is a need to add calcium glycerophosphate2 to the water. By doing so, pH levels can be increased in intervals of 0.5. We recommend that people living in regions on the side of the Sea of Japan add calcium to their water.
1Astringent effect - Acidic water contains a small amount of chlorine ions and has an astringent effect. This water is good for toning your skin.
2Calcium glycerophosphate (Calcium powder) - If the pH level does not increase even after electrolyzing water (especially when using well water or tap water in areas toward the Sea of Japan), adding calcium powder will increases the pH level.
- Why doesn't Kangen Water turn the pH testing solution blue (purple)?
Kangen Water® produces a yellow/green color (neutral reading) in pH testing solutions even if it made on the setting for pH 9.5. This phenomenon is often observed in areas where well water is used. Even water that tests neutral has been through the electrolytic process and has the benefits. This is caused by the carbon dioxide in well water, which is produced from decomposing organic matter. Carbon dioxide readily dissolves in water, making it acidic. Water with carbon dioxide can be electrolyzed, however, the carbon dioxide is neutralized during the process. Therefore the water tests neutral on the pH scale. Driving out the carbon dioxide from Kangen Water® will result in the Kangen Water® expressing blue in pH test liquid.
When measuring the pH using a pH testing solution, place a few drops in the flask before pouring in freshly made Kangen Water®. There is carbon dioxide in your Kangen Water® if the color turns blue initially, but eventually turns yellow.
- Some white bits are floating in the Kangen Water. What are they?
Your original tap water supply always contains some minerals. Especially on the pacific side of Japan, including Okinawa, the land is more alkaline and minerals crystallize readily onto the electrolysis plates and some break off into the water. Although they look like foreign substances, there is no harm in drinking these mineral clusters. In order to prevent the mineral clusters from falling into the water, we recommend changing the setting to "acidic water mode" (run reverse voltage) and increase the pressure and quantity of water once or twice a day for 3-4 minutes to clean out the appliance. Because of the caustic lime1 situation in Okinawa, we recommend people living in this area to use the pre-filter2 (sold separately).
Depending on the situation, it may be appropriate to use both of filters together. When mineral clusters stick to aluminum or anodized aluminum3, it turns brown and becomes difficult to take off. Please refrain from using aluminum or anodized aluminum pans and pots as much as possible.
1Caustic lime - Okinawa is said to exist on top of coral. As a result, the water in Okinawa has a high mineral content.
2Pre-filter - A filter used in situations where the original water supply contains a high percentage of well water or chemical substance. The transparent filter makes it easy to tell when the cartridge needs changing.
3Anodized aluminum - An aluminum alloy often used in household pots.
- What is the relationship between the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and pH?
The oxidization reduction potential is the electrical potential needed to reduce or slow down rusting and decay (oxidization.) The ORP1 also represents the reduction capacity to attract active oxygen. The optimum levels for the human body is between -150– -400mV. The ORP is also closely related to pH levels. When the pH increases, the ORP also increases. It is also possible to increase ORP through electrolysis. The value depends greatly on the original water supply. An ideal ORP may not be achieved if the original water has a pH lower than 7.0. Please make sure to examine the properties of your original water, for failure to do so may lead to inexplicable errors.
1ORP (Oxidation-Reduction Potential) - Electrical potential needed to reduce or slow down rusting and decay (oxidization). This process is also known as deoxidization. ODR is measures in terms of negative mVs. The ideal ODR level for the human body is said to be between -150mV and -400mV.
- What is the white fogginess in Kangen Water?
The white fogginess apparent in Kangen Water® is simply a result of hydrogen gas being released through electrolysis, and does not pose a problem. If you rest the glass for a while the white fogginess should disappear.
1The Japan Functional Water Association Meeting - The Japan Functional Water Association Workshop was established on September 13, 2002. In December of the same year, the first Japan Functional Water Association Academic Convention was held in Tokyo.
2Dissolved hydrogen - Most commonly measured using a diaphragm polalograph-type dissolved hydrogen electrode. The solubility of dissolved hydrogen is about 1.5mg/L.
3Colloidal - Low molecular weight (colloidal) particles dispersed in liquid. Each particle is between 1m and 0.1. The majority of substances that make up organisms are colloidal and have complex movements.
4Active hydrogen - Professor Sanetaka SHIRAHATA of Kyushu University announced the "active hydrogen deoxidized water theory" on removing the active hydrogen in Kangen water. Related academic circles are debating whether or not active hydrogen exists in a stable state, given that it is an unstable free radical.
- Can LeveLuk be used overseas?
LeveLuk is made to be used in USA. When using LeveLuk in other countries, it must be adjusted to the particular voltage (110V-240V) and water quality of the country. Since there are few countries where you can drink tap water straight from the tap, and many countries where the water has extremely high calcium content, we recommend selecting a filter that suits the country. Many laws must be taken into consideration for exporting goods, but individual use overseas is not a problem.
- Are there any cautions regarding the use of LeveLuk in cold regions?
LeveLuk is designed for use anywhere, but cold districts especially must be aware how to freeze-proof the device during the winter. When you turn off the water, the LeveLuk activates the automatic water draining system and drains the remaining water through the gray hose, thereby ensuring that no water is left in the appliance. Although there have not yet been any reports of accidents or breakdowns caused by freezing, if acidic water is left in the tank intentionally by lifting the hose or if the hose is positioned higher than the bottom of the LeveLuk due to space constraints, the automatic water draining system will not operate, and the remaining water may freeze, leading to accidents. Be sure to keep the hose lower than the base of the LeveLuk when turning off the water flow.
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