(FAQ) Machine

Machine Related Questions

  • Why is the appliance leaking? 

It is most likely that the ring (stopper) on the cartridge came off during transportation, or that you have forgotten to take off the O-ring1 when replacing the cartridge. It is highly unlikely that the leaking has been caused by a mechanical fault in the appliance.

1O-ring - Small, round rubber gasket that prevents leakage when connecting the various pipes to the appliance.

  • How do I use the spout stand? 

Two types of water run through the LeveLuk machine, and Kangen Water® will be produced only when the two run at a fixed ratio. If the discharge hose is bent, or the stand is positioned higher than the bottom tip of the flexible pipe, acidic water cannot be produced properly. In turn, stretching the hose below the sink to collect water in a separate container will result in loss of Kangen Water®. In this case, please do not pull the spout stand to the bottom, but prepare a separate hose to collect water in the container. Please make it a daily habit to check the water using the pH testing solution and hydrogen bubbles.

  • How do you use the reset switch?

There is a square switch situated under the black cover on the front-left of the appliance. Please make sure to push this button (it should make a beeping sound) when you first set up the LeveLuk or when replacing the filter. This allows for the correct display on the monitor (liquid crystal display) of all the information stored in the LeveLuk microcomputer. This reset button must be pushed in order for information to be displayed on the LCD screen. It notifies the user when there is too much or too little water, sets off an alarm when heated water passes through by mistake, and informs you to monitor the water flow. By using the reset switch correctly on the LeveLuk, you insure the delivery of safe and healthy water.

  • How many years does the electrolysis cell remain effective? 

The electrode plate in LeveLuk's electrolysis cell is thicker and larger than other companies' products. The appliance is designed this way in order to increase electrolysis capacity and durability. Another important reason is to guarantee the production of maximum volumes of water. The electrode plates are made of the very highest-quality titanium, plated with platinum. Needless to say, due to this choice of materials, the electrode plates are completely rustproof. The electrolysis cell is to a water production appliance what the engine generator is to a car. We can recommend our products with the utmost confidence because we use only the best materials. Our electrolysis cell and control (PCB)1 secures a high ORP2, and produces safe, healthy and delicious water. The automatic cleaning mechanism ensures that the electrolysis cell is always clean, and it should last 15 years.

1Control PCB (Print Circuit Board) - A board comprising print circuits that manage various data related to the appliance. Hi-tech components/condenser also built in.

2ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) - Electrical potential needed to reduce or slow down rusting and decay (oxidization). This process is also known as deoxidization. ORP is measured in terms of negative mVs. The ideal ORP level for the human body is said to be between -150mV and -400mV.

  • What should I do when I notice a built-up of clusters in my water?

Small amounts of minerals are found in unpurified water (tap water/sewage water). During electrolysis, minerals become concentrated on the minus side of the electrolysis circuit, causing clusters to attach to the electrode plate. LeveLuk can remove the clusters by reversing the voltage, but sometimes these clusters fall off naturally. When you pour this water into a stainless container or glass, the clusters stick to the bottom and sides. It is difficult to remove these clusters by scraping with metallic objects, etc. Instead, please pour vinegar into the container and leave it for 12 to 15 hours. You could substitute citric acid1 for vinegar if you like. These clusters are not harmful even if consumed, so please do not worry.

Furthermore, if you set the machine on beauty water (acidic water) , and let the water run for two to three minutes, you can decrease the amount of minerals significantly. Please clean containers that you put Kangen Water® in at least once every three months by the above mentioned method.

1Citric acid - Citric acid is extracted from apples. It has the ability to dissolve clusters of minerals such as Ca and Mg. An ideal and safe way of cleaning water production appliances is to circulate citric acid through the appliance.

  • How is the machine cleaned? 

LeveLuk has an automatic cleaning system. The amount of minerals in the supply water, such as Ca and Mg can vary greatly, and mineral1 clusters inevitably stick to the electrode plates. They can be broken off, however, easily by reversing the electric current (switching the +,-polarity). Mineral clusters attached to the electrode plate decrease the electrolysis capacity of the appliance, resulting in a failure to produce primary Kangen Water®. The amount of minerals attached to the electrolysis cell varies according to the quantity of minerals in the tap water.

LeveLuk's automatic cleaning mechanism is activated for 20 seconds when continual electrolysis reaches 15 minutes. When using LeveLuk in areas where the water has a high mineral content, change the setting to "beauty water" (2nd from bottom) and turn on the tap slightly so the water is running gently. This will reverses the electric current and remove the crystals in the electrolysis cell after 2-3 minutes. Changing the setting to "beauty water" once a day for 30 seconds is another way to clean the electrolysis cell. The cleaning function is necessary to maximize the life span of the electrolysis cell.

1Minerals - Ca (calcium), Mg (Magnesium), Na (Sodium), Ka (Potassium) and other nutrients found in food and water. Minerals found in water are said to be especially good for the health in optimum amounts.

  • The upper flexible pipe leaks acidic water when set on beauty care water. How can I stop the leaking?

Before pouring water through the flexible pipe, you need to take off the scales1 (mineral clusters) stuck to the electrode plate2 by reversing the voltage3, that is, changing the plus and minus of the electric current. This is necessary for producing proper acidic water. By removing the scales and running acidic water through the flexible pipes even when you are not using acidic water, you can keep the electrode plate clean and increase its durability. Moreover, using the upper flexible pipe makes the appliance easier to use especially when washing your face or pouring water into a plastic bottle.

1Scales - Ca, Mg, Na, Ka and other mineral clusters are produced when water is electrolyzed. These clusters are called scales and are not harmful even if consumed.

2Electrode plate - A metal board that conducts electricity during electrolysis. It is made of titanium and plated in platinum. It has superb electrolysis capacity and high durability.

3Reversing the voltage - In order to electrolyze water, the plus and minus of the direct currents must be clear. When mineral clusters get attached to the electrode plate, there is a need to reverse the plus and minus of the current to remove the clusters. This basically sets the appliance on a cleaning function, similar to when it is placed on the "beauty water" setting.

  • What if there's no cartridge replacement notice even after a year? 

The display screen on the LeveLuk will notify you when the total volume of water produced reaches 1,500 gallons. The microcomputer controls this notification mechanism, please make sure to press the reset switch to activate the microcomputer when you put in a new filter. The reset switch is located on the top right of the cartridge section (inside the black cover on the left). Please press it until it beeps. The microcomputer controls other information for the LeveLuk as well, which is why it is critical to remember to press the reset button.

  • What is the difference between LeveLuk's electrolysis cell and those of other companies? 

Electrolysis of water requires high quality electrolysis plates, and the size, thickness, and number of the plates becomes crucial in maintaining durability. The "double cross line" method1 used by other companies has the appliance's overall durability in mind. In these appliances, two small electrolysis cells are used in turn to provide resting time, but this limits the volume of water than can be produced at one time. LeveLuk on the other hand, has five or seven electrolysis plates, the largest number in the industry, and while maintaining durability via their large surface area and thickness, they allow the appliance to produce large volumes of water (maximum Kangen Water®: 0.8-2.0 gallons/minute).

Every function, such as supplying voltage according to switching of the pH setting and producing highly acidic water in the same electrolysis cell, is carefully monitored by the microcomputer. It ensures that the appliance can be used safely for a long period of time. We recommend that you produce "beauty water" once a day for at least three minutes to improve the appliance's durability.

1Double cross line method - Also referred to as the auto cross changer method. An electrolysis system where the appliance is equipped with two small electrolysis cells in order to enhance durability by alternating the cells with each water flow.

  • How does the automatic draining system work? 

LeveLuk is equipped with an automatic water-draining system that prevents contamination and proliferation of germs in residue water. The automatic water draining system is activated once the water stops. It takes approximately 30 seconds for all water in the electrolysis cell, water purification cartridge, and all channels to be drained through the hose (grey). Please note that the automatic water draining system is activated when the water level drops, and positioning the spout higher than the base of the appliance for any reason (pooling of acidic water in the tank, hanging the hose from a rack because of its length) may result in a failure to discharge residue water. Leaving water behind may cause problems with taste and smell. Please be sure to have the spout hose lower than the appliance before turning the tap off.

  • The flexible pipe is not allowing for the smooth flow of water. What should I do? 

When the original tap water supply is high in minerals (most often seen with well water), a large amount of crystals are formed in the electrolysis cell. If this progresses, chunks of crystals can become stuck in the net before the flexible pipe, obstructing the water outflow. In order to remove this clog, poke the area with a piece of wire and blow air into the K8 from the spout. Please remove the flexible pipe from K8 when cleaning in this manner. Water flow can also become restricted when a machine is due for a deep cleaning.

  • What are the changes to the Kangen Water outlet as a result of switching water production mode? 

Electrolyzing water produces Kangen Water® (alkaline) on the negative pole and acidic water on the positive pole. LeveLuk is designed so that the flexible pipe attached to the top is connected to the negative electrolysis cell, while the discharge (gray) hose, attached to the base of the LeveLuk, is connected to the positive electrolysis cell.

For this reason, Kangen Water® and strong Kangen Water® comes out of the flexible pipe, and acidic water and strong acidic water comes out of the discharge hose. Of the four production modes, when the appliance is set on the "beauty water" mode, the electric current is reversed, as it is done for cleaning, so acidic water comes out the flexible pipe and Kangen Water® comes out the discharge hose. This is the only time the waters are discharged on the opposite ends. Since the acidic mode reverses polarity, it has the effect of breaking off calcium crystals attached to the negative pole and can be used as a manual cleaning mode.


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